
Headless horseman-roblox
Headless horseman-roblox

headless horseman-roblox

So when tagging or searching, all term aliases will standardize back to the primary term (tavern to inn, pub to inn) in order to make sure you get the best possible results. Aliasing works for tags only, not freeform text.So in this case you would have been better off adding the tavern tag as that would return those marked as an inn (which is aliased to tavern and pub). This would return any small city slab with Tavern in the name or description, plus any large city slab with Tavern in the name. So if you did the large/small, city, search and added Tavern in the freeform text. So you can consider these another category in terms of searching. Free form text searches search the item name and description only.For example, if you pick large and small and city (from the location category), it will return any slab that is large and city plus any slabs marked small and city. If you make selections from multiple categories, then it will return all slabs that match BOTH selections (an AND condition). So if you pick Large and Small, you will get all large and all small slabs. two sizes) will return all results that match either selection. Multiple selections of one category (i.e. In each category (tags, locations, types, sizes), you can enter (or choose) multiple selections.Tags will allow you to not only find all the matches that have that text, but also any aliases for those terms. In order to search as completely as possible, it’s highly recommended you primarily use tags.

Headless horseman-roblox