
How to totally optimize pc for gaming linus
How to totally optimize pc for gaming linus

Instead of installing 20.50, I should've downloaded 21.50. The AMDGPU driver version I was downloading and trying to install was too old for my card. What I found out-a few people even mentioned it in live chat, but I didn't see it mid-stream-is that Google had betrayed me. It brings up repressed memories of the horror of pair programming at an XP shop I worked in. After getting all the other benchmark results that weren't GPU-dependent, I decided to end the live stream so I could spend more time figuring out where I went wrong.Īside: As an introvert, I have a hard time thinking as straight and/or doing any retrospective debugging on a live stream, when I know people are 'watching over my shoulder', so to speak. Towards the end of the stream, I even tried as commenters were suggesting, and ran a do-release-upgrade to install Ubuntu 21.05 (the non-LTS release), but that resulted in the display reverting to a blurry 1024x768 resolution (it was 1080p prior to the upgrade). but watch for yourself the difficulty I had getting the AMD driver working on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 install (starts at 02:21:13): The assembly went pretty well (and took a bit more than an hour-not bad for the first time building a PC from scratch in 23 years, while live streaming it!). To round out the build, I bought a B550 motherboard so I could use PCIe Gen 4.0, some Corsair RAM (RGB since my kids would enjoy seeing it), and I used a case and 144 Hz gaming monitor repurposed from my Raspberry Pi Gaming PC build. Since I also wanted a faster Linux kernel build platform than my M1 Mac mini, I stretched my budget a little and bought an AMD Ryzen 5 5600x.

how to totally optimize pc for gaming linus

It will be part a massive upgrade from my current HP desktop PC with integrated graphics. Though my initial effort was fruitless, I've since hacked the driver to work through at least a few 'rings' of AMD's doorbell init process.Īnyways, because I had that graphics card laying around, I decided to put it to use while it's not being tested on the Pi. My initial goal was to see if I could get the card working on a Raspberry Pi. Last year, due to some extreme luck and help from a viewer, I picked up an AMD RX 6700 XT for MSRP (around $500).

How to totally optimize pc for gaming linus