
Mount and blade wiki artimenner
Mount and blade wiki artimenner

mount and blade wiki artimenner mount and blade wiki artimenner

He can be adaptive in a situation, although he can be solely relied on to his expertise of siegework.Īt certain times, he expresses genuine concern and caution towards the people he needs to associate with and would present his anger and disappointment when he interacts with other members in the party that may be considered to be threatening in terms of the status of their profession or even their scheming actions against him. He also admires to people who are cautious and well-prepared in doing their craft, a genuine mindset that resembles his own. Everything needs to be fair and just, especially in conducting contracts on behalf of his services of destroying and building with his specialties. He is strategic and calculating during his preparations when doing his job and also towards negotiating with anyone. He is a smart and rational man who understands the laws of life and merit, he is goal-oriented, as he wanted to be a wealthy engineer when he went back to his home. If he retires from the party, he will wander around Calradia or go back to Geroia, although he remain undecided. He is encountered in the tavern by the player and offer his services with the charge of 300 denars. Without any money left, he is stuck in town and unable to go back home with the roads filled with bandits and no money to pay for an escort. The castellan's successor didn't pay Artimenner his services and threatened to charge him with murder if he insisted on his payment. This led to the construction collapsing and the castellan's death. One day, while he was working on building a castle tower for the castellan, the castellan ran out of money, so the project was left unfinished. He also worked on Culmarr Castle at one point. He specializes in fortifications, either in fixing or breaking castle walls. Artimenner is an engineer from Geroia who came to Calradia to offer his services seeking wealth.

Mount and blade wiki artimenner